Dr. Andrew Storey
Technical Director, Ecology and Biodiversity – Asia Pacific
Dr Andrew Storey is currently based in our Perth office and has over 30 years’ experience in aquatic ecology, having worked in the UK, PNG, East Timor, Indonesia and Australia, specialising in the ecology and management of fish and invertebrate communities of tropical and temperate freshwater systems. Andrew has directed numerous biological surveys, impacts assessments and monitoring programs, published monitoring protocols for Australia’s Ramsar wetlands, and established Ecological Water Requirements (EWRs) for river systems, involving detailed documentation of ecological values prior to setting flow-ecology linkages. Andrew has authored over 150 project reports and published over 50 scientific journal articles. Andrew has been the primary consultant biologist to Ok Tedi Mining Limited, PNG, since 1993, advising on current status and future directions of the Fly River biological monitoring program, as well as other PNG mines, including Porgera, Hidden Valley and Lihir gold mines. Since 2000 he has conducted and directed numerous surveys of mining operations in the Pilbara Region for major miners, including RTIO, BHP, API and MRL, for iron ore, gold and lithium projects.
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