CDP Disclosure season 2024 is fast approaching. Following the release of the 2023 CDP results, companies should be strategising how to advance, maintain or kickstart their scores in 2024. In 2023, CDP disclosures surged by 24% compared to 2022, with over 23,000 companies disclosing against the Climate questionnaire.

As CDP uptake grows, CDP are making a number of changes, including a new response platform and a new integrated questionnaire, allowing companies to respond with a single submission tailored to the themes it has been requested to report on. The purpose is to increase efficiency in reporting, aiming to accelerate global efforts towards achieving and monitoring global sustainability targets. To assist companies through this process, we have compiled a summary of CDP 2024 milestones and what these mean for your company.

CDP 2024 Timeline:

  • 5 February - 2023 scores were released. Companies should take this time to evaluate their performance, and areas for improvement next year. Please refer to SLR's blog post on ‘What Your CDP Result Means’ for further guidance.
  • April 2024 - The new CDP platform will become available in April this year. This platform aims to improve efficiency of the disclosure process. Companies should familiarise themselves with the new portal.
  • 30 April - The 2024 questionnaire will be released on April 30. There will be a new structure to the corporate questionnaire this year so companies should look to promptly understand these changes.
  • May 2024 - SLR will run a webinar outlining the 2024 CDP changes including the new corporate disclosure framework, the new platform and the changes to the corporate questionnaire.
  • 4 June 2024 - The response window opens for questionnaire submissions. Reporting organisations can sign in and activate their questionnaires at this time.
  • 18 September 2024 - The scoring deadline for the 2024 disclosure cycle. The deadline for submitting the questionnaire has shifted in 2024 (previously end of July) to allow organisations to properly implement the changes to this year's questionnaire and process.
  • 2 October 2024 – Corporate disclosure deadline for 2024 disclosure cycle. Note companies that submit between 18 September and 2 October will not be eligible to receive a score.
  • December 2024 - CDP releases 2024 scores.

How can SLR support you?

To help improve your current score and untangle the 2024 CDP changes, or assist with your first submission to CDP in 2024, we can provide the following support:

  • Gap analysis of your 2023 response against updated guidance with detailed feedback on priority areas of improvement.
  • Information gathering support across your business to compile the latest information and data required.
  • Drafting support for new and existing responses to ensure your disclosure is an accurate reflection of all aspects of your sustainability actions and environmental performance.
  • Submission to the CDP platform, we can upload final responses or support with edits directly on the CDP online response system.
  • Detailed schedule and support with internal engagement to ensure sufficient time for internal review and sign-off ahead of the submission deadline.
  • As a CDP Accredited Solutions Provider for our CDP services in the UK, we have direct access to CDP technical teams and are able to provide our clients with up-to-date insights and the latest feedback on requirements or recommended approach.

To find out about the services we provide on CDP contact one of our experts from across SLR.

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