ENERTRAG - Hendrina South WEF Final Layout Plans and Final EMPrs, Mpumalanga Province (DFFE Ref: 14/12/16/3/3/2/2131)

11 June 2024 | Client: ENERTRAG South Africa (Pty) Ltd

Notice is hereby given in terms of Notice is hereby given in terms of Conditions 13 and 14 of the Environmental Authorisation (DFFE Ref: 14/12/16/3/3/2/2131) of the submission of the Final Site Layout Plan and Final Environmental Management Programme (EMPr) for the authorised Hendrina South Wind Energy Facility (WEF).

ENERTRAG South Africa (Pty) Ltd (ESA) and its special purpose vehicle (SPV) Hendrina South Wind Energy Facility (RF) Pty Ltd (The Applicant) are proposing to develop the Hendrina South WEF and associated infrastructure, including an onsite 33kV/132kV substation, Battery Energy Storage System (BESS), Operations and Maintenance (O&M) Building, internal roads and cables, temporary construction camps with batching plants and temporary laydown areas approximately 12 km south-west of Hendrina and 11 km south-east of Komati in the Mpumalanga Province.

The Hendrina South WEF and associated infrastructure received Environmental Authorisation (EA) on 05 December 2022 from the Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment (DFFE Ref: 14/12/16/3/3/2/2131). In terms of the conditions contained in the EA (condition 13 and 14) the Site Layout Plan and EMPr for the Hendrina South WEF was not approved and must therefore be amended and/or finalised for approval from the DFFE prior to commencement of the activity. The Site Layout Plan and EMPr must also be made available for public comment to all registered Interested and Affected Parties (I&APs). In this regard the Applicant has prepared the Final Layout Plan, Final EMPrs (including associated Substation Generic EMPr), related Management Plans and undertaken the specialist walk-through’s as per the conditions of the relevant EA and would like to submit the documentation for public review.


Email: hendrina@slrconsulting.com

Telephone: +27 11 467 0945


Notice is hereby given, in terms of the EIA Regulations, 2014 promulgated under NEMA, that the Final Layout Plans and Final EMPrs prepared for the above-mentioned project has been made available for a 30-day public review and comment period from 10 June 2024 to 11 July 2024.

Should you and/or your organisation wish to comment on any aspect of the Final Layout Plan and Final EMPr, comments should be forwarded to SLR at the email address and telephone number shown above.

By providing your personal information to submit a comment, you will be included in the SLR an Interested and Affected Party (I&AP) database, and you consent to SLR managing your information in accordance with the Protection of Personal Information Act 4 of 2013. It is assumed that as an I&AP for this Project you authorise SLR to retain and use your Personal Information as part of a contact database for this and/or other Social and Environmental Impact Assessments (ESIA) and that you confirm your acceptance for SLR to contact you regarding this and/or other ESIA processes. SLR will not process your Personal Information, other than as permitted or required by ESIA processes, or as required by law or public policy. SLR will use reasonable, appropriate security safeguards to protect Personal Information, and to reasonably prevent any damage to, loss of, or unauthorised access or disclosure of Personal Information, other than as required for ESIA processes or as required by any Law or public policy. You may request for your Personal Information to be deleted from the I&AP database at any time by contacting SLR.

Environmental Authorisations