Waste Management Plan for the TOGA Central Development
- Client Name
- TOGA Central Developments
- Location
- Sydney, Australia

TOGA Central is a transformative mixed-use development aimed at revitalising the southern end of Sydney’s CBD. The development consists of the refurbishment and adaptive reuse of the heritage-listed buildings in addition to the development of a 42-storey commercial office and hotel.
TOGA Central Developments required waste management advice and the preparation of a waste management plan, to support the state significant development application process.
Our team provided specialist waste advice in the concept design, development application and design development stages. Our experts prepared a waste management plan for submission with the development application which outlines the following:
- Secretary’s environmental assessment requirements
- City of Sydney documentation guiding the development’s waste management strategy
- Projected waste quantities and allowances for the development
- Separation strategy for different waste types
- Movement and transportation of bins within the development
- Waste collection strategy
- Recommendations for waste equipment and systems
- Waste room spacial requirements
- Marked up architectural drawings.
Our team also reviewed and assisted in resolving queries related to approvals, including providing design advice to the project team and amending documentation as needed.
The waste management plan outlined a viable waste management system for the development and contributed to a smooth approval that complied with the City of Sydney’s requirements and other relevant regulatory authorities.