Truck Rollover Delineation Assessment and Remedial Strategy

Client Name
Glenvale, Queensland, Australia


SLR conducted a Delineation Assessment and assisted with providing a response to a notice issued by local council in relation to diesel contamination of land resulting from a truck rollover.

Following the delineation of hydrocarbon impacts, an assessment was completed to determine the technical feasibility and provide a design basis for execution of on-site remediation (i.e. excavation).

Site constraints and hazards included:

  • The proximity of the site to:
    - A neighbouring agricultural property.
    - Electrical infrastructure; and
    - A highly trafficked road within a 70km/hr speed limit zone.
  • Impacts of excavation activities to local residents, businesses and road users.
  • Constraints of the road reserve (the available space for works was approximately 4 metres).


In response to the notice requirements, SLR were engaged to complete the following:

  • Provision of a Delineation Assessment Report on the lateral and vertical delineation of the known hydrocarbon impact and provision of remedial strategy.
  • A Remediation Feasibility Assessment & Work Plan consisting of the following:
    - Remediation and Management Feasibility Assessment to identify the extent of contamination that can be reached using unsupported (conventional) and supported (e.g. shoring, sheet piles and anchors) excavation methods.
    - Geological cross-sections showing the occurrence of soil contamination but also showing the distribution of lower concentrations of hydrocarbons.
    Assessment of residual risks by means of a Conceptual Site Model and Qualitative Risk Assessment.
    - Detailed scope for the ongoing management of hydrocarbon impacts.

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