Rehabilitation Plan Visualisation Tool
- Client Name
- Whitehaven Coal
- Location
- Various Locations, Australia

Detailed closure planning studies undertaken as part of the CCL701 detailed mine closure planning process identified multiple areas requiring rehabilitation activities as part of closure execution.
Being a legacy site, areas were spatially distributed across the site with numerous issues identified and a variety of rehabilitation strategies required.
Whitehaven required a solution such that all recommendations and strategies were appropriately identified and mapped.
SLR provided linkage of spatial GIS data to environmental issue, rehabilitation strategies, materials balance/requirements, and bill
of quantities.
The process included:
- Spatial identification, ground truthing and delineation of areas of environmental concern in the field via iPad/GPS.
- Classifying polygons/points by feature and aspect (i.e. erosion, contamination, HAZMAT, and mine entries etc)
- Determining rehabilitation and remediation requirements for each area based on detailed technical studies.
- Consolidating and incorporating rehabilitation strategies into excel with ID linkage to GIS polygons.
- Determination of rehabilitation material requirements to execute strategies and linkage to line items in Bill of Quantities for financial provisioning purposes.
- Development of webviewer/app-based solution to view areas and strategies on the ground via mobile phone/iPad.