Bombo Quarry masterplan
- Client Name
- Peabody Coal
- Location
- New South Wales, Australia

SLR was commissioned by Peabody Coal to prepare a Masterplan for possible end-use ideas for an existing quarry at Bombo, South of Kiama New South Wales. The client required high level ideas and concepts for a residential subdivision, town centre and open space system on the site of the existing quarry as one viable option for the legacy use of the site.
The quarry would be filled with rock and fill material from external sources to capitalise on this prime location, which is close to the coastline and existing transport.
The existing surrounding rural and residential land uses were seen to potentially benefit from this type of development and the creation of a community that was nestled within the landscapes of the coastal hinterland of the Central Coast.
The town centre would be a mix of retail, commercial and higher density residential development that would cater not only for the new community but existing areas currently adjoining the site.
The site would look to reintroduce areas of native planting to compliment those surrounding the site and help to provide the site with a local coastal feel.
The residential areas would be intertwined around a network of local open spaces, based on the reinstatement of local creeks and waterways that lead through to the coast.
Given the importance of filling the quarry and providing the site with a level ground line on which to build, the opportunity was seen to recreate some of the local natural areas and creeks once filling had been completed. SLR prepared an overall site Masterplan and aerial sketch view of the proposed scheme to assist in conveying the intent of the design.