Australia Pacific Liquefied Natural Gas Project - Environmental Services
- Client Name
- Origin Energy Ltd
- Location
- Central Western Queensland, Australia

The Australian Pacific LNG (APLNG) project is a 50:50 joint venture between Origin Energy Limited and ConocoPhillips. It involves developing the Walloons Gas Fields in Central Western Queensland, where coal seam gas (CSG) will be fed to a Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Plant (located on Curtis Island, Gladstone). Origin Energy is the upstream operator for the APLNG project and is responsible for the management, operation, design and construction of CSG related facilities up to the LNG Plant.
SLR was engaged by Origin Energy to provide the following environmental services:
- Ambient dust monitoring during the earthworks phase of gas
field construction. - Develop Erosion and Sediment Control plans for Origin work sites.
- Detailed operational SoundPLAN noise modelling and mitigation design of the proposed facilities associated with nine of APLNG’s gas fields.
- Detailed noise measurements, and SoundPLAN modelling and mitigation design of CSG drill rigs.
- Provided general office and field based advice to Origin Energy staff and contractors regarding assessment and compliance against the project related environmental authority conditions of approval.
- Model for Effluent Disposal via Land Irrigation Modelling of
effluent discharge from sewage treatment plants.