Njomza Miftari

Project Manager - Responsible Sourcing Advisory



Njomza is a Project Manager in RCS' Responsible Sourcing Advisory Unit - now part of SLR - who has engaged with various clients from both the upstream and downstream on their responsible sourcing journey. She has advised clients on complex issues such as responsible mining standards, traceability, human rights due diligence and sustainable finance. Njomza has a strong background in policy development, human rights, and project coordination. In addition to her practical experience, she holds a Master's degree in Human Rights from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

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  • Insight

    12 February 2024

    8 minutes read

    Staying ahead of the curve: What’s on the horizon for responsible sourcing in 2024?

    by Ana Sandres, Njomza Miftari, Maria-Yassin Jah

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