Mark Foster

Associate Director



Mark is an Associate Director who has worked and lived in Manchester for over 11 years and joined OPEN - now part of SLR - in January 2017. His work focuses on urban regeneration strategies, residential sustainable urban extensions, and mixed-use masterplans across the UK. Prior to joining OPEN, he has worked at both Turley and global architecture practice BDP.

Mark works closely with public sector and private sector clients, often leading or working as part of multi-disciplinary teams. He also works closely with several collaborators, leading the placemaking and masterplanning processes on major and often complex developments. He has well founded skills in strategic master planning, neighbourhood brownfield regeneration frameworks, estate renewal strategies and detailed urban design proposals. A creative and practical designer, he is driven to find the most innovative solutions to creative placemaking and which responds to social, economic and challenging environmental pressures. Key projects at OPEN include Stockport Town Centre West, several NDF’s for Salford Council and a Sustainable Urban Extension on behalf of Knowsley Council at East of Halewood. A recognised practitioner with the Urban Design Group, Mark also leads on the Urban Design Group’s NW programme which aims to promote the built environment design. Mark is also actively involved with UoM teaching students on several workshops and lectures.

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