Maria-Yassin Jah

Head of Responsible Sourcing Advisory



Maria is the Head of Responsible Sourcing Advisory at SLR Consulting; working with private organisations as well as industry associations and their membership active along the battery value chain to integrate robust ESG supply chain management systems. With a particular focus on critical raw materials, Maria assists in the development of bespoke multidisciplinary solutions to support organisations with the required technical and strategic expertise available across the SLR Group.

With over 15 years of experience working in the commodities sector in a range of strategically focused in-house roles as well as consulting positions, Maria has an in-depth knowledge of the commodities industry, its value chain structures and effectively embedded ESG strategies along those. Maria has expertise in international commodities trading structures, supply chains, circular economy matters, sustainable agriculture, manufacturing in emerging and frontier markets, labour standards and human rights protection. She has worked and supported clients in a number of African and Asian countries, including Democratic Republic of Congo, Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, Sierra Leone, Indonesia, China and Japan.

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  • Insight

    12 February 2024

    8 minutes read

    Staying ahead of the curve: What’s on the horizon for responsible sourcing in 2024?

    by Ana Sandres, Njomza Miftari, Maria-Yassin Jah

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