Andrew Watson

Associate Director



Andrew is a highly experienced Landscape Architect. His broad-based experience extends from large-scale masterplanning to detailed design. He is passionate about the role of landscape in urban regeneration and its potential to create well-loved places that promotes biodiversity and enables access to nature for all.

Since joining OPEN - now part of SLR - in 2017, Andrew’s work has focussed on the design of urban public realm and the redevelopment of brownfield sites. His project experience spans public realm strategies through to detailed design for complex projects including mixed use developments and town centre regeneration projects, working with both the public and private sectors.

His recent project experience includes the design of significant new public realm projects including Dock Branch, a new linear public park and active travel route in Birkenhead; Red Bank a new urban neighbourhood in Manchester; and First Street South, a mixed-use brownfield development on the edge of Manchester City Centre.

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