Ana Sandres

Senior Project Manager - Responsible Sourcing Advisory



Ana is a Senior Project Manager in RCS' Responsible Sourcing Advisory Unit - now part of SLR - where she coordinates the development of due diligence management systems that are aligned with the OECD and other frameworks and regulations for different actors within the minerals supply chain. Prior to joining RCS Global, Ana worked for international NGOs as a consultant and researcher on human rights and sustainability issues in countries across Latin America, Africa, and Asia.

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  • Insight

    28 March 2024

    6 minutes read

    European Union Deforestation Regulation (EUDR): Navigating implementation Challenges

    by Ana Sandres

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  • Insight

    12 February 2024

    8 minutes read

    Staying ahead of the curve: What’s on the horizon for responsible sourcing in 2024?

    by Ana Sandres, Njomza Miftari, Maria-Yassin Jah

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