Meet our CEO - Bradley Andrews

Post Date
29 November 2023
Rebecca Walker-Waughray
Read Time
1 minute

In October we announced the news that Bradley Andrews would be the new CEO of SLR. Now you can watch our quick introductory video, where Bradley introduces himself, and shares his background and plans for the future at SLR.


Bradley joins SLR from Worley, a leading global provider of professional services in the energy, chemicals and resources sectors, where he held several executive strategy and operational roles in the company across multiple geographic, industrial and service lines. In recent years, Bradley has gained invaluable expertise in emerging sustainable and low carbon technologies such as renewables, sustainable fuels, hydrogen, CCUS, battery materials, subsea desalination and power.

As part of a robust succession plan, Neil Penhall, SLR’s Chief Executive Officer of nearly 10 years, will remain with the business, moving to the role of Vice Chair of the SLR Board of Directors to support a seamless transition of responsibilities and provide ongoing strategic advice and support. Neil was a co-founder of SLR and held various executive board roles with responsibility for both operational and strategic growth. As CEO, he led the business through its transformational expansion and development as a global player and market leader in the fast growing sustainability sector.

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