Celebrating 13 Years of Toitū CarbonReduce Certification in Aotearoa

Post Date
28 August 2024
Read Time
2 minutes

SLR is proud to announce that its Aotearoa New Zealand offices have once again been awarded Toitū CarbonReduce certification, marking our 13th consecutive year of certification.

The Toitū CarbonReduce certification process involves a comprehensive assessment of a company's carbon footprint and its efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and achieving this certification year on year is a testament to our dedication to minimising our environmental impact and contributing to global efforts against climate change.

Over the past 13 years, we have consistently implemented innovative strategies to reduce carbon emissions, enhance energy efficiency, and support sustainability initiatives.

Our One Team event held in Auckland on March 15, 2024, has also achieved Toitū net carbonzero certification by implementing a greenhouse gas emissions management plan, estimating life cycle emissions, and offsetting unavoidable emissions with verified carbon credits. Congratulations to our dedicated Sustainability team, who worked diligently through this rigorous process and meticulously managed every aspect to ensure the event's environmental responsibility.

SLR remains committed to significantly reducing its greenhouse gas emissions. By 2030, the company aims to cut its direct emissions (Scope 1 & 2) by 42% and its indirect emissions from the supply chain (Scope 3) by 25%, using 2021 levels as a baseline. Looking further ahead, SLR plans to achieve net-zero emissions across its entire value chain by 2040. The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi), a global organisation that helps companies set science-based emission reduction targets, has validated SLR’s 2040 target to be within the most ambitious designation available through the SBTi process. This validation supports SLR’s goals to align with global efforts to limit warming to below 1.5°C, which includes reducing direct emissions by 90% by 2040 and indirect emissions by 90% by the same year. SLR will continue to focus on cutting emissions from its own operations and the broader value chain.

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