In 2024, the Greenhouse Gas Protocol is expected to publish its finalised Land Sector and Removals Guidance. As of April 2023, the Science Based Targets initiative (STBi) has required all retailers, food-producing companies, and their engaged suppliers to submit climate-based targets based on Forest Land and Agriculture (FLAG) guidance. However, FLAG emissions and removals are notoriously challenging to estimate and account for.

SLR is hosting a free webinar in association with the Food & Drink Federation (FDF) where you can learn about what FLAG actually is, where it might appear in your value chain, and how you can make a start at estimating FLAG emissions and removals.

This webinar is aimed at stakeholders from companies who are estimating and setting targets to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions – specifically those who operate in sectors or within value chains with more intensive land use (e.g. food and drink producers, processors, and retailers).

The webinar is available to FDF Members only.

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