Woodie Woodie Manganese Mine environmental approvals
- Client Name
- Consolidated Minerals
- Location
- Port Hedland, Western Australia, Australia

Consolidated Minerals Pty Ltd began the process for the continuation of the existing Woodie Woodie Manganese Mine operations. The company was seeking regulatory approval for the mining and expansion of existing and additional open pits above and below the water table, expansion to existing and construction of additional waste rock dumps, deposition of tailings to in-pit Tailings Storage Facilities and construction of additional miscellaneous infrastructure.
SLR were engaged as the lead consultant for the approvals under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations Act, Environmental Protection Act and Mining Act. This included the preparation of a number of Environmental Impact Assessment approval documents, Significant Species Management Plan and Mine Closure Plan for the continuation of the existing mine.
Key considerations for the impact assessment included Conservation Significant flora and fauna (including Commonwealth listed Matters of National Significance), Subterranean Fauna, Inland Waters, Social Surroundings, Flora and Vegetation, and the associated cumulative impacts.