QCoast 2100 Queensland Local Government Coastal Hazard Adaptation Program
- Client Name
- Local Government Association of Queensland
- Location
- Queensland, Australia

QCoast2100 is a Queensland Government commitment to a 12 million fund over three years, to assist councils advance coastal hazard adaptation planning. The Program is intended to facilitate the development of coastal hazard adaptation strategies (CHAS) for all eligible councils using a systematic framework for the entire state.
To assist councils in their CHAS journey, the QCoast2100 Minimum Standards & Guidelines (MS&G) was developed to provide councils with guidance on all eight phases of a CHAS. A series of knowledge forums were also progressed to engage and facilitate collaboration between councils and key stakeholders.
Our team assisted on the overall Program management including:
- Day to day operation and delivery - managing the 12M fund, budgeting, forecasting and progress reporting to the state government on a regular basis.
- Targeted engagement with all 41 eligible coastal councils to assist councils with project applications and delivery of funding approved projects.
Responsible for the development, negotiation and management of contracts with local governments and Consultants engaged to assist various components of the Program. - Develop systems and processes to manage Program deliverables including funding application guidelines, standard and consistent templates for local government project applications.
- Development for the MS&G, prepared specifically for the program with a panel of experts. This guideline is an Australian / Queensland first in outlining the minimum requirements for each of the eight phases of a CHAS to ensure a consistent approach was being implemented across the state.