Flora and fauna assessment for Woolgoola telecommunications
- Client Name
- Telstra InfraCo
- Location
- New South Wales, Australia

Telstra InfraCo proposes to construct and operate a telecommunications cable at Woolgoolga, on the New South Wales North Coast. The works are to connect the existing network to a Telstra phone tower to upgrade the optic fibre network.
The activity consists of a mix of direct buried (trenched), under boring and cable hauling of fibre cable network within the road reserve of Newmans Road, through open paddocks.
Telstra InfraCo required support to satisfy requirements of the applicable Ecological and Cultural Heritage Acts.
SLR was engaged for the provision of an Ecological (flora and fauna) field and desktop assessment, cultural heritage assessment including field assessment and GIS consulting services in relation to the proposed Telecommunications civil works for Knobbys Lookout Radio Site.
A desktop study was undertaken to identify current records of threatened flora, fauna and ecological communities, migratory species and key threatening processes within and adjacent to the study area. Our team also carried out a field investigation within the site to assess the extent, condition and distribution of native vegetation and verification of mapping of plant community types. Our team also performed searches for threatened plant species, using walked transects along the proposed cable alignment as well as conducting fauna habitat searched. SLR worked with a Cultural Heritage Consultants in order to minimise impacts.
The Ecological assessment revealed no threatened flora or fauna species, or their habitats, were observed during the site assessment and therefore no threatened species are likely to be adversely affected by construction activities. Additionally, the proposed route will not create any disturbance to any threatened ecological communities.