Fingerboards Mineral Sands Mine Environmental Effects Statement
- Client Name
- East Gippsland Shire Council
- Location
- Victoria, Australia

In March 2018, the Department for Environment, Water, Land and Planning (DELWP) issued the final coping requirements for the Fingerboards Mineral Sands Project Environmental Effects Statement (EES). This document set out the specific matters to be investigated and documented in the EES.
The scoping requirements specified the following key considerations:
- Resource development
- Biodiversity
- Water, catchment values and hydrology
- Amenity and environmental quality
- Social, land use and infrastructure
- Landscape and visual
- Cultural heritage
- Rehabilitation
SLR were engaged to provide a targeted technical review of the Kalbar Resources Fingerboards Mineral Sands Mine EES package during the public consultation period. Given a limited time extension afforded to East Gippsland Shire Council (Council) by the Minister for Planning, SLR undertook its review across multiple technical disciplines. Our team delivered a comprehensive report summarising all key findings considering the EES Scoping requirements, within a critically short timeframe. SLR undertook a technical review in the following areas:
- Land Use, Soils, Agriculture and Horticulture
- Surface Water
- Groundwater
- Noise and Vibration
- Traffic and Transport
- Ecology
- Air Quality and Greenhouse Gas
- Rehabilitation
- Social Impact Assessment
- Draft Work Plan
- Draft EPA Works Approval
At the direction of Council, SLR undertook a targeted technical review of the publicly displayed EES and supporting technical studies. This review also included a review of the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) works approval and mining work plan submitted in support of the EES. SLR presented the key findings of the Targeted Technical Review to council seeking endorsement of the technical review report (in full) as constituting the Council submission on the EES displayed for public comment.
SLR was successful in delivering a detailed targeted technical review report covering fourteen different aspects of the EES and supporting EPA works approval and mining work plan. This detailed report received full endorsement by council and highlighted numerous key issues that were instrumental in shaping the direction of the 10 week panel hearing.