Subsurface exploration programme for proposed automobile dealership
- Client Name
- Confidential
- Location
- Connecticut, USA

The SLR team prepared and performed a subsurface exploration programme at the site of a proposed automobile dealership in Waterbury, Connecticut.
The programme consisted of nine borings to discern the geotechnical implications of the site conditions. Additional 16 test pits were conducted throughout the project site for purposes of evaluating the onsite fill materials for supporting the proposed building and site retaining walls.
Design and construction recommendations for the proposed building, site retaining walls, and pavements were provided.
Geotechnical recommendations included improving the existing granular and boulder fill prior to constructing the proposed building and site retaining walls, using either Deep Dynamic Compaction or Rapid Impact Compaction Methods. We also recommended gravity, soil, nail, and soldier pile walls within the cut and fill areas of the project.