Environmental Sustainable Design Services for Various Buildings
- Client Name
- The Bathla Group
- Location
- New South Wales, Australia

The Bathla Group delivers property and construction services on a national scale. As part of their new developments, they required specialist consultancy services to ensure that their projects were meeting the required standards.
Our team provided Thermal Comfort Modelling and Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) Certification for a number of multi-residential sites across New South Wales.
New South Wales mandatory Building Sustainability Index (BASIX) requires the improvement of both active and passive energy and water efficiency compared with an average dwelling. This tool can be used for compliance with minimum State Government standards, or to enhance the performance of a building to produce an exemplary environmentally sustainable product to obtain market advantage.
SLR has also assisted The Bathla Group with a number of cross Ventilation studies for the Land and Environmental Court for a development located at Marsden Park, New South Wales with all SLR expert studies satisfying all court requirements.
The ongoing partnership between our team and The Bathla group, ensure that the projects and buildings are meeting compliance requirements, to support the delivery of quality properties to the community.