Climate adaptation innovation learning
- Client Name
- Location
- Global

In 2019, the Global Environment Facility (GEF) launched a Challenge Programme for Adaptation Innovation aimed at catalysing innovation to achieve adaptation results that received a strong interest from private sector companies. As a result, out of the 756 applications, 19 were selected to be further supported by GEF, which included 11 project concepts from the private sector involving the establishment and provision of private sector finance for adaptation projects (establishment of Private Investment Facilities, Blended finance facilities, Public-Private Blended Financing facilities etc). The 19 project concepts will together benefit 1.68 million people.
The Sustainable Business team at SLR supported UNIDO in the development and submission of the GEF CEO Endorsement Documentation package for this innovative knowledge management and learning project.
The project implemented by UNIDO and executing partners aims to gather, discuss, manage and disseminate the learning and knowledge generated from the adaptation innovation projects, to accelerate private sector investment in climate adaptation innovation; since GEF adaptation projects lack a common platform to share knowledge and learnings. The project design seeks to establish a Digital Community of Practice in different areas, led by entities with expertise in each sector:
(i) Investment Funds, led by GARI;
(ii) MSME Incubation and Acceleration, led by Climate-KIC, and
(iii) climate change adaptation impact measurement in private sector operations, led by UNEP-FI.
The platform enables:
- Strengthening of the climate change approaches adopted throughout LDCF and SCCF portfolios;
- Replication of projects across the private sector;
- Improvement of the models and technologies being implemented by the projects, for new project proposals;
- Increase and improve communication, knowledge sharing and learnings among on-going projects to speed-up implementation and amplify their positive effects.
The project [1] has been successfully approved for implementation by the GEF on 20 Nov 2023.